Thursday, October 20, 2016

Autumn / Thanksgiving Themed Sugar Cookie Pattern

The weather is definitely changing in Macao into one of my favorite seasons of the year - Autumn! Don't you just love the warm colors and the smell of roasted chestnuts in the air? I do! The chilling breeze is kicking in but, as usual in Macao, we will only get to experience the real Autumn weather around mid/end of December! 

It's during this time of the year that I get to feel pretty nostalgic. Warm memories of when I used to live in Portugal during my younger days starts to fill my mind leaving me thinking about those cold and rainy days. I could see myself walking home from school with a warm honey bread on my hand and a Walkman on the other. When I arrived home, Mom would be almost done preparing dinner while watching her Brazilian drama series.. My siblings would be in their rooms drawing and doing homework and Dad would be almost arriving home from work. I lived in a quiet neighborhood where pine and oak tress were abundant. Never ending piles of red and yellow leaves would take over most of the sidewalks and building entrances while the smell of soft rain lingered in the air. It was a very exciting time for us youngsters...because Christmas school holidays was just around the corner ;)

A new pattern set is now up in my Etsy! Here are little sugar cookies inspired by our love of Autumn days! Thanksgiving is also coming up so you'll see our little turkey fella in the package as well!

You can find the pattern here.

Wishing my friends a warm and cosy week in this lovely October... Stay well!

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